Business Coaching


My clients struggle with managing their stress. Together we will create the space for transformation for you to thrive and blossom in your roles and in your lives.


If you are feeling as if you are in a hamster wheel without neither the time nor the energy to get out of it, this is because you are. Very often you wake up in the middle of the night with pressure in your chest as if you can’t breath. Juggling a high demanding job, financial insecurity, loneliness, guilt, lack of support and fufilling both mum and dad roles leave you drained and you start to feel the pressure. It shows in your mood and your health. Let me reassure you that it does not have to feel that way. We can work on finding solutions and strategies specifically to you, your lifestyle, your personality and your values. If you want to thrive and blossom book a session with me to find out how we can achieve this together.


“Do the best you can until you know better, then when you know better, do better”

— Maya Angelou

Coaching Packages

Embrace your power
6 sessions / 3 months
€ 900

Thrive & Lead
10 sessions / 6 months
€ 1.450

Rise & Shine
21 sessions
€ 3.000

Corporate rate
Leadership coaching
6 sessions / 3 months
€ 1.500

Corporate rate
Training Leadership
€ 3.000

Corporate rate
Coaching (6 sessions), Training (1), Workshop (2)
€ 6.000