Blogging and posting
This is my second blog post.
Blogging and posting does not come naturally to me. It takes me out of my comfort zone.
There are loads of pages telling you what to do, how to do it, what to pay attention to, what to share, what topics are more successful and which key words you should use when writing a blog. With so much information out there and so many blogs already I have difficulty to choose a topic and sorting through all the available information. Many times I feel overwhelmed by the sheer amount of opinions and advice.
The first thing I realized and helps me is just to use the advice and information that fits and helps me to move forward and discard all the rest.
The second is to ask myself why is it necessary for me to write a blog when there are so many out there already. My reason is simple: grow my business.
The third is who benefits in the end from it: I found that is my strongest motivator.
And, of course, writing and sharing about my own experience, may also help and encourage others to step out of their own comfort zones.
Thank you for reading.