New job

Nowadays many of us are looking at the world and how it has changed. The whole idea of how business is and should be is shifting. Not at first glance as everybody is breathing and enjoying the good “old” normalcy.

However, and due to the pandemic, many people are looking if the 9 to 5 and every day in the office still applies to them. Some will be happy to go back to normal, some will be happy to continue to work remotely, some will welcome a flexibility of office and remote, some may even find a new way. It depends on the company, the sector, and the personality of the individual.

And some will question themselves if the job they are currently doing is still making them happy.

So, what is it that you want to change and how?

Many specialists will tell you to do an analysis, to have a look at your strengths, at your skills, what you need to improve, which job, sector and company would suit you best, what would you win versus what would you lose, etc. What would you like to achieve? What would you like to change?

I would like to ask another type of question:

Who do you want to be and what job would best help you to fulfil that image?

Looking forward to your answers and thank you for reading and sharing.


Skill set