Skill set


I am passionate about coaching. And it is always amazing the answers and solutions the clients come up with for themselves.

It is a process. A process where each client with their different cultures, different backgrounds, etc, all play a role. And there is not one coaching fits all as all clients are different and every client  requires a different approach, a different technique, a different skill as a coach.

In coaching I see many women not allowing  themselves to go after what they want because they do not have the full skill set required for a certain job.

There was a video  on CNN and BBC a few weeks ago which truly impressed me: an 11 year old girl was attacked by a man with a knife who tried to abduct her. She did not have self-defence classes and was not a master in Karate. This lack of skills did not prevent her to defend herself and fight while activating a learning that she had acquired: she put some blue slime on his arms leading to his arrest later. Great courage and great activation of a resource.

We do not have to have all skills in place, we do not need to be perfect: we just need to go for it, being willing to learn on the go and to use and activate our inner resources. We are enough.

Thank you for reading and feel free to share.


New job


Empowering women? NO!